On Thu, 30 Aug 2001 13:09:45 -0500, Bockhoven, Pamala wrote:

>  Hello:
>  After I successfully installed ActiveState's Perl 5.6.1 on a Windows 98
>  platform,
>  I downloaded DBI-1.20.tar.gz from Symbolstone.  I unzipped it and
>  to install
>  several different ways with the following results:
>  1.  Using ActiveState's PPM, I typed "install DBI" (and DBI-1.20.tar,
>  I get
>      the error message "Could not locate a PPD file for package dbi".  I
>  looked in
>      all of the subdirectories and I don't seee any files with "PPD"
>  extensions (and
>      I have looked all over the internet).

To get modules for use with activestates perl build, it's best to get them
directly off of activestates site, and you /need/ to do that if you intend
to use ppm to install them. Go here


for a repository of module archives of tested, activestate compatible
modules. Just unzip them, and use "ppm install path\to\foo.ppd" to install.



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