Hi I am running Mac OS X Version 10.4.7 on my MacBook Pro.  I downloaded
Perl 5.8.8 and put it in /library/perl.  I am using AlphaX as my texteditor
when I code for Perl.  I also download Tcl/Tk Aqua Batteries as instructed.
I am going through O"reilly's Learning Perl.  I created my first code:

print "Hello, world!\n";

I think I set everything up right in Config - Perl Mode Prefs.  But when I
go to the Camal tab - tell perl - open this file
the Camal turns blue all around it and it just stays that way.  When I hit
esc it says AESend failer: OSErr - 1711.  If I try the camal tab - Run a
file and choose the Hello, world! file it says can't read "wname": no such
variable.  I looked all through the wiki at
http://alphatcl.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/wikit/24.html and the AlphaX website
but I can't seem to figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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