Hi, I'd like some help with the serial port code from my hacked up
program below. I have a electricity monitoring device thats hooked up
to my pc's serial port. The device outputs XML every six seconds. I
want to read some of the values from the XML and put them into a

The code below does work but it isn't getting the whole XML feed at
six second intervils. I've had a look at the documentation for
SerialPort but it's going over my head.

#! perl -w

use strict;
use Win32::SerialPort 0.11;
use DBI;
use DBD::mysql;

my $DBstore = DBI->connect( 'dbi:mysql:elec:localhost:
my $ob = Win32::SerialPort->start ("tpj4.cfg") || die;

for (my $qwe = 100000000; $qwe >= 1; $qwe--) {

sleep 1;
my ($count, $result) = $ob->read(900);

        if ($result =~ m!<ch1><watts>0*(\d+)</watts></ch1>.*<ch2><watts>0*(\d
tmpr>!) {

          my $wattsx = $1;
          my $wattsy = $2;
          my $wattsz = $3;
          my $temp = $4;
          my $Total = $wattsx + $wattsy + $wattsy;

          my $sql = qq{ insert into readings (units,temp) VALUES ($wattsx,
$temp) };

          $DBstore->do( $sql );

          print "Temp : $temp Watts Ch1 : $wattsx Watts Ch2 : $wattsy Watts
ch3 : $wattsz  Watts Total : $Total in KWh \n";

undef $ob;

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