Hi, I'm having an issue with here docs, and I'm sure it's something
simple that I'm overlooking but it's annoying me. Here is a snippet
from my script.

sub usageAndDie {

   >> The following single-character otions are accepted:
   >>    wih arguments: -T -S
   >>    without arguments(boolean): -g -e
   >> Use:
   >>    -T followed by a target
   >>    -S followed by a source
   >>    -g to generate a runbook
   >>    -e to execute the runbook
   >> Requirements:
   >>    you must specify a target and a source
   >>    you must specify either to generate a runbook, execute the
runbook or both

   >> Example: perl exec_rnbk.pl -T UT -S testing -g
  exit 0;

Its failing with the error: Can't find string terminator "EOF"
anywhere before EOF at exec_rnbk.pl line 94.
Line 94 is "print<<EOF;".

Am I just missing something obvious here?

Thanks in advance!

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