  I have just started to write CGI scripts having spent many years writing
perl scripts on unix. My first script seems to have thrown up this gotcha
and I am having trouble finding out what I have done wrong and why.

My script is designed to create a config file by asking some questions via
an HTML form 1 question at a time.

Each time I create the a form I store the previous answer inside hidden

I start the program with this
my $handler = new CGI;

print $handler->header("text/html");
print $handler->start_html("Configurations");
print $handler->startform("GET","http://${server_name}${script_name}";,

and close the script eachtime using

print $handler->endform;
print $handler->end_html();

When I call the script the first time all is well however when I hit the
submit button and the second form loads I get  "Content-Type: text/html;
strings :(

What am I missing ?

Thanks in advace :)

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