OO confusion

2009-01-08 Thread root
be called like that after the fact but am surprised that it appeared to work, throwing no warnings or errors. Err I forget, Debian 4.0 Etch (mostly), Perl 5.8.4 $ CPU = P1. root@/deb40a:~/perl.practice md5sum md5_hex; ./md5_hex md5_hex; ./md5_hex -d md5_hex; ./md5_hex -o md5_hex # on one line

arguments in closure

2006-01-06 Thread root
Hello, about closure I read the Perl literacy course lecture #9 Closures Shlomo Yona http://cs.haifa.ac.il/~shlomo/ The explanations are clear but in this example: (it's an excerpt of an example of Shlomo) #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my $sumform = make_binary('$_[0] +

Re: another reg needed

2002-08-20 Thread root
Connie Chan wrote: Strange ... my ($row, $col) = /(\d+)/g; Can get the value. but my ($row, $col) =~ /(\d+)/g; will get , only. Why ? Besides, that's really that mine one on the last post doesn't work. but what's the problem ? Anyway, here is a stupid update for my approach. my

Re: BEGIN statement in Perl?

2002-08-20 Thread root
James Kipp wrote: BEGIN blocks are interpreted a the first phase of compilation. eval blocks and constants are also evaluated at this stage. so the code in the begin block is run before compiling the rest of the file. this insures the these variables are initialized before your sub is called

Re: Is it legal ???

2002-08-20 Thread root
A Taylor wrote: Hi all, I am trying to declare some variables and was wondering what the best way to do this was. Is it legal to do something like this: my (@pairs, $ENV, $buffer); The reason I ask is that I am not sure if its cool to have Arrays and Scalar vars within the same brackets.

Re: Can't locate loadable object DBD::mysql in @INC

2002-08-19 Thread root
to force @INC to look at the directory of your DBI library, use: use lib your DBI directory along the top of your script david -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Escaping HTML tags

2002-03-23 Thread root
I'll gotta stop sending over-caffinated emails...wow, -w works... Scott Wahlstrom wrote: Severe newbie that would RTFM if I would have brought it home and i'm not asking the right monestary search strings so i humbly ask for your help... i'll go get going on a fresh pot of

Perl Test Failed with only kernel 2.4.x

2001-10-22 Thread root
Hi all, With kernel 2.4.x themake test of my perl-5.6.1 have 4 script errors: lib/dirhand failed test 3 lib/glob-basic failed test 2 lib/io_dir failed test 3 lib/syslog failed test 5 If I use the kernel 2.2.19, the test are all succesfully. Why ? config.sh like attachment. Best