Hello, Adam Theo here;

Just to note, this is cross-posted to the Perl-XML and Beginners
mailing lists, since i share the same message to both of them. sorry
if this inconveniences anyone.

I'd again like to thank everyone on these lists, especially:

Mr McLean for his huge help in my understanding of XML::Simple and
turning me into a die-hard fan of his module (a link to which is on
every page of my new website, http://www.theoretic.com).

Mr Irving, Mr McCoy, Mr Cope, and Mr Bach, for all helping me on
 return(), 'use strict', and refrences. thank you!

Without these lists, my alarm clock program would still be in the stone

But yes, I have the _alarm clock program_ published. it is a perl/tk
program that uses a simple xml configuration file, and allows for an
unlimited number of alarms, each with a sleep button function and many
more features in the TODO list. it can be found at:

I also have a _stopwatch timer program_ that can count up or down from
specified amounts, that is still in the stone ages (version 1.xx), but
i am about to upgrade to use xml like the alarm program, taking it to
version 2.xx as well. it can be found at: http:www.theoretic.com/timer

And this means that yes, my website that has been in my sig since i
first started participating in this list is finally up and
running. the main parts of it are fine, but a few 'fringe sections'
(like the weather forecasting part) are still under construction. all
of that, though, will be fixed by this time next week. If anyone
happens to visit the site, i'd much appreciate it if you sent me any
problems you had or typos/mistakes you found. i'll be fixing
everything i know about over the next week. thanks!
Website: http://www.theoretic.com
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

and finally, as part of this site, but not directly related to perl,
are two mailing lists i've set up. both of them are a result of
discussions from the free-software-business mailing list, hosted at
crynwr.com (it is a popular list that discusses free software as it
relates to business and the economy).

the first i'm calling _The Bazaar List_, named after Eric S. Raymond's
famous essay "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", which compares the
proprietary software development world to the open source software
development worlds, and can be found at
http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar. There was
interest on the FSB list to set up an "open source newbies" list, for
people who wanted to learn more about the open source/free software
development models. kind of like perl.org's "beginners" mailing list,
but for open sourec in general, not just perl programming. the bazaar
list is not just for programmers, but also end users, businessmen,
project managers, and programmers alike. if you are curious about open
source and how it can benefit you, or want to help educate those new
to open source, this is the list. to find out more:
Website: http://www.theoretic.com/bazaar
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

the second i'm calling _The Cauldron List_, also named after an essay
of ESR's, this one "The Magic Cauldron", where he explores and
compares different models for developers to make money off of
releasing their works under open source licenses. this essay can also
be found at the above location. This list is a result of a series of
related threads recently on the FSB, which i collectively call
"Blankley's Challenge", named after the person on the list that
started it. he wanted to find viable ways that i and other individual
and small-scale developers could profit off of creating open source
software, instead of feeling proprietary models were the only way to
earn a living. The topic was deemed Off-Topic enough, so i have moved
the concept behind Blankley's Challenge to my website, and given it
it's own list.
Website: http://www.theoretic.com/cauldron
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

both of these lists already have a few subscribers from the FSB list,
even though i just set both of them up yesterday morning, and i plan
to get the official ball rolling on both of them on monday
afternoon. but feel free to subscribe and post a 'hello' message,
telling the others who you are and such.

thanks all.
   /\    --- Adam Theo ---
  //\\   Theoretic Solutions (www.Theoretic.com)
 /____\     Software, Politics, and Advocacy
/--||--\ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM: Adam Theo 2000
   ||    jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 3617306
   ||  "Did you ever get the feeling the world was a tuxedo,
   ||     and you were a pair of brown shoes?"

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