> {Yep even the best of syntax highlighting patterns still can't handle some
>  of those FUNKY regexs I use in my perl program.}
> Was that to scare us newcomers to Perl
> I have been programming on/off since late 1978
> and now I an just starting to program for the WEB
> Perl, PHP, mySQL, etc.
> I have seen good editors, and bad ones.
> I have written editors for RPG II and other specific languages
> that are very hard to work with in "normal" text-style editors
> I have not seen any ONE editor that works for even most
> type of text-based programming documents I and other I know have done.
> I currently use more than 5 different editor,
> depending upon what I am editing and what I want to do.
> But, I use only one most of the time.
> As a long time programmer
> and one with Dyslexia to boot{two strikes against me},
> I say find one you like and use it,
> until it becomes second nature to you.
> If you have need to use other editors for SPECIFIC
> needs that the one you work with cannot do
> find one that can handle those needs, and use it
> for those needs only.
> The best "writing" is done when you do not have to worry
> about the tools you are using to write with.
> As I said, I use many editors, and I am always looking to see
> if there are better ones. I currently use an older version of
> NoteTab as my main editor.  Sometimes the newer a product gets,
> the harder it is to use.
> I still find some of my old DOS programs work easier and faster
> then that of their Windows counterparts.
> I read one comment about Crimson Editor - it can fit on a floppy
> I can remember when that was a given - fit on a floppy.
> I now have that editor and it looks promising.
> We will see after using it for a while.
> I am sorry for this long statement - and it is my first reply here.
> But us old time programmers, even though new to web-programming
> may have in-sites with over 20 years of programming.
> I have forgotten more languages than I want to remember.
> And I have been told that the older generation could not
> understand this "new" world of the NET.
> I had to write the routines to allowed me to do things the younger
> generation take for granted today.  My generation invented the
> stuff  we build on today.  Just because I am over 40 does not
> mean I cannot do what a 20 year old can. I have lost many a job
> just because of age prejudice.
> But it is time that he newer programmers look back to the ones
> that have been doing it for most of their lives, ask how to program.
> It is language independent - I should know.  It is just syntax differences
> not the How-To.
> This argument about which editor is the best is just the tip.
> We must have the best of everything.
> Buy a computer for $4,000 this year and then
> scrap it next year for the newest and greatest.
> I use and own equipment from a 486 to some of the newest technology,
> nut I an typing this from a computer that I have had since the AMD-266
> days.  It is currently upgraded to a 500 MHz computer, but it still
> is my favorite one to work with.
> Remember - find one you like and stick with it
> unless you find one that is much better, not just the newest thing.
> If you keep needing to learn new hardware and software to
> do the same job that you can do with your current equipment,
> why take the time.  For me time is money.  Spend you time
> where it counts.  Not to keep up with the "Jones".
> Timothy Lungstrom
> owner of Kracked Press Production
> ******************************************
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "drieux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "begin begin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 11:30 AM
> Subject: Re: Perl IDE's v. Perl Editors was Re: Editor
> >
> > On Wednesday, July 31, 2002, at 08:04 , Nikola Janceski wrote:
> >
> > > Yep even the best of syntax highlighting patterns still can't handle
> some
> > > of
> > > those FUNKY regexs I use in my perl program.
> >
> > don't EVEN get me started.......
> >
> > { "too late drieux...."  }
> >
> > hum..... parenting code, is like parenting children,
> > not for the feint of heart, and mostly done wrong....
> >
> >
> >
> > ciao
> > drieux
> >
> > ---
> >
> >
> > --
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