I'm writing a script which will convert the gdbm files used by wreq to the 
MySQL files used by BugZilla, but am having a serious problem. I can't seem 
to open the gdbm files for reading.

Here's where the problem is:

# !/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use diagnostics;

# A bunch of currently undefined stuff was here

# Remove Before Flight

# This is just to get the format/layout used by wreq
# so we know what we are dealing with
sub reqTester() {
        use GDBM_File;
        use Fcntl ':flock';

        # We'll setup a few variables for use in this function
        my %dbmFile;
        my $filename='1/active';

        # First we'll tie the database
        $db = tie %dbmFile, 'GDBM_File', $filename , &GDBM_READER, 0444
                or die "Unable to initialise database: $!\n";

        $fd = $db->fd();        # This gets us a file descriptor
        # Lets carefully open() the fle descriptor to get a
        # Perl filehandle
        open DATAFILE, "+<&=$fd" or die "Unable to safely open file: $!\n";

        # Next we need to lock the database in shared mode,
        # since we're just reading it, that's all we need
        # at this point
        print "Aquiring shared lock...";
        flock(DATAFILE, LOCK_SH) or die "Unable to aquire shared lock: $!\n";
        print "Lock aquired, Ready to read database\n\n";

        # Lets dump the database so we can see what we have
        foreach my $key(keys %dbmFile) {
                # We'll just make the output pretty by double underlining
                # each key, and give it one extra double underline
                print "$key\n", ("=", x (length($key)+1)), "\n\n";
                # Now print the value for each key
                print "$dbmFile{$key}\n\n";

        # Close the database
        undef $db;
        untie %dbmFile;

        # We're all done now

About 98% of the above function comes from the 'Programming the Perl DBI' 
book. The problem is when I run this script I get the following error message:

Uncaught exception from user code:
        Unable to initialise database:
        main::reqTester called at ./wreq-mysql.pl line 44

Commenting out the 'use diagnostics;' line only results in the removal of the 
first and third lines in the error message.

Is there a reason why $! doesn't contain any information here?

Thanks in advance,
Michael D. Risser
Software Engineer
Machine Vision Products, Inc.

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