here is the source of my cgi

use DBI;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Carp ('fatalsToBrowser');

my $dbh = DBI->connect ( "dbi:ODBC:database", "admin", "all" ) or die "No
pude conectarme : $DBI::errstr\n";

my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT titulo, id, fecha FROM table1 ORDER BY id
                                                " );

print "<h1>$title</h1>";

print "<ol>";
while ( (my $name, my $id, my $time) = $sth->fetchrow) {
                print "<li><a href='$id'>$name</a>- $time</li>\n\n";
print "</ol>";
print "<br />";
print "<br />";
print "<br />";

-----Mensaje original-----
De: David Kirol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: Martes, 23 de Abril de 2002 02:45 p.m.
Para: Eduardo Cancino

        Review your connect string. Make sure a user is specified. If not the CGI
script's 'user' (usually nobody) will be passed and the db will reject it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eduardo Cancino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 3:27 PM
To: List Beginners Perl
Subject: [OT] DBI-ODBC WIN2K

I have this problem now, maybe is not about perl but here I go:

I connected an Access Datasource to a cgi, (made in Perl ;), but while in
the command line runs perfectly, as a CGI, on my host, it outputs:

Software error:
No pude conectarme : (DBD: db_login/SQLConnect err=-1)

I know that maybe is a users problem and I have read the IIS
"documentation", but I can't find something useful, do you know where can I
read about this?



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