I tried but am using AS 5.6.0 under w2k. The first time it
complained because I did not have the file setup correctly and it died.
After correcting that it worked.

        This is the code:

use File::stat;
my $firstFile = 'd:/Currwrka/00CommonPerl/03aaplxxx/aapl001.pl';
my $secondFile = 'd:/Currwrka/00CommonPerl/03aaplxxx/aapl002.pl';

my $file1 = stat($firstFile);
my $file2 = stat($secondFile);

if ($file1->size > $file2->size) {
    printf "file1 greater than file2";
 }else {
    printf "file2 greater than file1";

Wags ;) ps R you running with warnings? strict?

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian McGraw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 11:10
Subject: Comparing file sizes

Hello all.

I'm trying to compare the size of two files in a script. I know I can open
them, feed each into an array, and compare the number of lines, but that
seems silly and inefficient. I tried using File::stat in the following

$file1 = stat($firstFile);
$file2 = stat($secondFile);

if ($file1->size > $file2->size)

Everytime the script gets to these lines, the stat function fails, and the
program exits. Am I doing somthing wrong? I'm using perl 5.8.0 on Redhat

Thanks for the help,

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