Here is a fairly simple one I used recently.  In my case I used
finddepth (searches from the bottom up instead of top down) because I
was renaming folders and File::Find couldn't chdir to the folder after I
had changed the name.  find() works the same way.

In the example below, finddepth runs my subroutine BadNames on every
file below c:\Directory.


use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
$| = 1; #Autoflush STDOUT

#finddepth comes from File::Find
#finddepth searches from the bottom of the tree up


sub BadNames{
    #NOTE: finddepth chdirs to the directory it's
    #      traversing and sets the filename to $_.
    #      $File::Find::name is the full path to the file
    #if it contains a &,#, or ends with .com
    if($_ =~ /(\&|\#|\.com$)/){
        print "Converting ".$File::Find::name."...";

        my $filename = $_;
        $filename =~ s/\&/and/g;
        $filename =~ s/\#/_/g;
        $filename =~ s/\.com$/\.com_/i;
        #Rename the file
        rename($_,$filename) or die "Couldn't rename $_!";
        print "done\n";


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 12:39 PM
Subject: File::Find implementation


I got some advice on how to obtain a listing of all the files on a hard
drive. The advice was to use File::find. I looked at the perl document
and I am a little confused and so a simple example would be nice. I
would like to get the file name, directory path, size and date of last
modification. This is being run on a pc. How can I get this information
into an array? How would the file entry look.

I know I will need a @file_list = find(param list where c:\ would be the
top level directoru);


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