For starters, ALWAYS 'use strict;' and 'use warnings;' at the beginning
of your scripts.  It's a little annoying at first, but it saves you from
some very time-consuming mistakes down the line.

Okay, here is one way to do the kind of thing I think you are asking to
do.  Keep in mind that I took some liberties with style and naming, and
you may want to do it a bit differently if this doesn't make sense to


use strict;
use warnings;

#Each key of %groups is a group,
#the value is an array of users
my %groups;
#Each key of %users is a user,
#the value is an array of groups
my %users;

#open the input file
open(USERFH,"<users.txt") || die "Could not read users.txt!\n";

#For each line...
while(my $line = <USERFH>){
    chomp $line;
    #First item is the user name, the rest are the groups
    my($user,@groups) = split(/\s+/,$line);
    #Create a key with the user name
    #and add the groups as a value
    $users{$user} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
    #For each group, create a key in %groups and add
    #the user to the end of the list
    foreach my $group(@groups){
        push @{$groups{$group}},$user;
close USERFH;

#Print out a list of groups with members
print "GROUPS\n";
print "======\n\n";
foreach my $group(sort keys %groups){
    print "$group:\n";
    foreach my $user(sort @{$groups{$group}}){
        print "\t$user\n";

print "\n\n";

#Print out a list of users with groups they belong to
print "USERS\n";
print "=====\n\n";
foreach my $user(sort keys %users){
    print "$user:\n";
    foreach my $group(sort @{$users{$user}}){
        print "\t$group\n";


-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 6:04 PM
Subject: Need help to sort data 

I have a flat  file data in the form of user and groups. The user always
come first follow by the groups. Now I need to arrange then by  groups.
This is the code I have been working with. the groups are listing but
the users are not.  I am still fairly new  to perl so I need someone
with simple code? Can someone offer any assistance ?

my %group_to_users = ();
while (my $line = <USERFH>) {
    chomp ($line);
    my ($user, @user_groups) = split ('\s+', $line);
    for my $group (@user_groups) {
      push @group_to_users, $user ;
   $group_to_users{$group} = [$user] ;
close (USERFH);
for my $group (sort keys %group_to_users) {
    print $group . ":\n";
        print $group_to_users{$group} . "\n";

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