Since you haven't provided any code, it would be difficult.  Here are
some thoughts:

* Make sure you're doing a "while(<INFILE>){" instead of "@array =
* Try precompiling your regular expressions.
  (see qr// in perlop under "Quote and Quote-like Operators")

-----Original Message-----
From: Gladstone Daniel - dglads [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 8:50 AM
Subject: Need to improve throughput - Any thoughts 

I have a text file with around 1 million lines and I need to do a search

And replace on over 9000 words. I am currently reading a line and
A hash table against it and any matches it is replacing the word in the
string.  It is running real slow. Any thoughts on how to improve it? 

Daniel Gladstone ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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