Subject: substituting variables in external file.

I have a need to have 3 different templates of email text outside of my
actual script, what I want to know is can I use variables in the templates
then open the file for reading and substitute the variables in the text
with some data saved in matching variables in my script?

Is there a module that would help with this? If someone can get me
generally started I usually can continue on my own.

I haven't written any code for this function as of yet, but I will post
some when I do.

Chris Hood 
Investigator Verizon Global Security Operations Center 
Desk: 972.399.5900
Verizon Proprietary

I have used and like Text::Templates to do what you describe... it is
available on CPAN. Take a look at it... I'm sure there are others... 

Good luck.


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