Fist of all thank you both very much, this has been a good learning experience.

> From: RichT <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> :      im still very new to perl 
> : what is does in searches  through a large data file finds the
> :      segments i need and outputs the data in a more use-full
> : format. As i said id does work but im
> : no to convinced the structure is very clean
> :      so i  thort maybe some one could give me some pointers.
> : yours
> : most gratefully RichT
>    First, I am going to piss off you or someone else on the
> list. That's not my intent. It's is my experience. My intent is
> to illustrate the errors in this script and the errors and
> inconsistencies in your programming style. It, in no way is
> meant to ridicule you or condemn your script.

good stuff. =)
>    Fifth, I'm not a big fan of mixed case variable names.
> Any multiple word variables I add will use underscores. I
> also hate parenthesies. I will quietly change them in
> rewrites.

i use them because the software i have been using for 
nearly 4 years does, it habit now. (and it keeps things to a standard)

> >The above is ok, but you might consider taking the advice of the
> >Getopt::Long docs and using Pod::Usage to generate error messages and
> help text via pod.
still not looked at this, it on my list tho

oki  have done some work... i havent done every thing suggested i
started to get lost
but i think its much better looking now ...

My main problem now is that if i have a long inFile "sub findVars "
has to be processed a lot of times which takes a long time (as
poller.cfg can have over 30,000 records) what can i do to increase the

i would also like to add some checks ie for a valid IP address should
i do this with some regX or is there a module i can use?
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;

Getopt::Long::config qw(no_ignore_case);

my ( $inputFile, $outputAllFields, $searchKey, $outputFields );

$searchKey = 'agentAddress';
$outputFields = 'segment,agentAddress,community';

my $needHelp;
GetOptions(   'inFile=s'              => \$inputFile,
              'findField=s'           => \$searchKey,
              'showFields=s'          => \$outputFields,
              'listAllFields'         => \$outputAllFields,
              'help|h|H|?|HELP'       => \$needHelp
die usage() if $needHelp;

# Data collection
#  if we using an input file
#  else if we have found some values on the cl
#  else quit

my @foundSegments;
if ($inputFile){
open INFILE, "$inputFile"
      or die qq(Could not open "$inputFile": $!);

while (<INFILE>) {
  push @foundSegments, findVars( $searchKey, $_);
close INFILE;

} elsif ($ARGV[0]) {
push @foundSegments, findVars( $searchKey, $ARGV[0]);

} else {
while (<STDIN>) {
  push @foundSegments, findVars( $searchKey, $_);


# Data output
#       if request for keys print all keys
#       else print results

if ($outputAllFields) {
foreach ( @foundSegments ) {
  foreach (keys %$_) {
    print "$_, ";
print "\n";

} else {
for my $found ( @foundSegments ) {
  foreach my $showKey (split /,/, $outputFields) {
    print "$found->{$showKey},";
print "\n";


sub usage {
return <<USAGETEXT;
usage: $0 "search value"
      if no search value is given input will be taken from std in
      the following options are also availble
      [-inFile filename ] input filename
      [-findField fieldName ] this is the search key to be used
(default is agentAddress)
      [-showFields field names ] feilds to output (default is
      [-listAllFields ] list avalible fields
      [-help] this help text

sub findVars {
# find infomation form Concord's poller.cfg
# usage:
#  findVars("key to search in","value to search for")
# output:
#  an aray of Hashes containing all matched segments and keys

my($findKey, $findValue, $segmentFieldKey, $segmentFieldValue,
%segmentFields, $nullVar, @foundSegments);

# read in Search Key and Value  from parent NOTE make a check for this
$findKey=$_[0] || die qq(Missing Args "$findKey" $!);
$findValue=$_[1] || die "Missing Args $findValue $!";
chomp $findValue;
chomp $findKey;
#my $NH_HOME= $ENV[NH_HOME];  # point to the poller CFG file
my $NH_HOME= ".";  # point to the poller CFG file NOTE this is temp
for testing use above line in live

local $/ = "}\n";                       # set delimiter

open(POLLER, "$NH_HOME/poller.cfg") || die "can not open : $!";

#s/universalPollList \{//g;

while(<POLLER>) {
      next unless /^\s+segment/;
      foreach (split(/\n/)) {
              ($nullVar,$segmentFieldKey,$segmentFieldValue) =
              $segmentFields{ $segmentFieldKey } = $segmentFieldValue ;
      if ( $segmentFields{$findKey} eq $findValue ) {

              push @foundSegments, {%segmentFields } ;
      undef %segmentFields;
      my %segmentFields;
close POLLER;

return (@foundSegments);      # return the IP and comunity string to main ruteen


exampleExtract form poller.cfg==================================

 segment "customer-site-Bend" {
     agentAddress     "x.x.x.x"
     uniqueDeviceId   "dfofdkskhjkldsf"
     mibTranslationFile "cisco-frameRelay-cir.mtf"
     index            "2"
     index2           "400"
     deviceSpeed      "64000.0"
     deviceSpeed2     "64000.0"
     discoverMtf      "cisco-frameRelay-cir.mtf"
     index3           "7"
     community        "public"
     sysDescr         "Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C1700 Software (C1700-Y-M), Version 12.1 blar blar..."
     sysName          "routerName"
     sysLoc           "siteLocation"
     ifDescr          "Serial0"
     ifType           "frame-relay"
     aliasName        "PVCreffNumber"
     nmsKey           "routerName Serial0 400"
     enterpriseId     "9"
     possibleLatencySources "concord, ciscoPing"
     fullDuplex       "1"
     mediaSpeed       "64000.0"
     mediaSpeed1      "64000.0"
     statistics       "1"

/exampleExtract form poller.cfg==================================

example inFile==================================
/example inFile==================================

>    Last, my opinion is just that: "my opinion". It is not
> fact and you do not have to follow my advice. Some of it may
> even be poor advice. Shop around and ask questions.
> :
> :
> : #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> :
> : use strict;
> : use warnings;
>    Great start.
> : use Getopt::Long;
> :
> : my($inFile,$USAGE,$showKey,$site,$found,$foundKeys,
> :    @dataFile,@foundSegments,$value);
> : my($opt_inFile, $opt_showAll, $opt_help ) = (0,0,0);
>    This is perl. It is not VB or C. Stop declaring your
> variables at the top of your code block. It WILL bite you
> in the ass. The rest of my comments will assume these were
> not declared here.
>    Why is $USAGE in all caps?
> : my $feildName = "agentAddress";
> : my $showFields = "segment,agentAddress,community";
>    Line up those assignments and don't use double quotes
> unless you're interpolating variables.
> my $fieldname  = 'agentAddress';
> my $showFields = 'segment,agentAddress,community';
> my $usage = <<USAGE_TEXT;
> [snipped info due to wrapping problems]
> : GetOptions (  "inFile=s",
> :               "findFeild=s"   => \$feildName,
> :               "showFeilds=s"  => \$showFields,
> :               "showAll",
> :               "help|h|H|?|HELP"
> :       );
>    "Field" is spelled wrong. Get an editor that has a spell
> checker.
>    Line things up and use single quotes over double quotes.
> When I see double quotes, I assume you have data in there to
> interpolate and I look for it. This slows me down. I assume
> it will slow down another script maintainer as well.
>    We need to use global variables to use the above. Let's
> avoid them here.
> GetOptions (
>    'inFile=s',         => \$inFile,
>    'findField=s'       => \$fieldName,
>    'showFields=s'      => \$showFields,
>    'showAll'           => \$opt_showAll,
>    'help|h|H|?|HELP'   => \$opt_help,
> );
> : if ($opt_help == 1) {print $USAGE; exit; } # print out
>                                             # help and
>                                             # exit
>    Using trailing comments sparingly. Don't "bunch up" if
> statements. Either use a statement modifier.
> die $usage if $opt_help;
>    Or spell it out.
> if ( $opt_help ) {
>    print $usage;
>    exit;
> }
>    On my system (Windows XP) this doesn't work. $opt_help
> always remains 0. This works.
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Getopt::Long 'GetOptions';
> my( $inFile, $showAll, $fieldName, $showFields );
> {
>    $fieldName  = 'agentAddress';
>    $showFields = 'segment,agentAddress,community';
>    my $help
>    GetOptions(
>        'inFile=s',         => \$inFile,
>        'findField=s'       => \$fieldName,
>        'showFields=s'      => \$showFields,
>        'showAll'           => \$showAll,
>        'help|h|H|?|HELP'   => \$help,
>    );
>    die usage() if $help;
> }
> sub usage {
>    return <<USAGE_TEXT;
> usage: $0 [-inFile input filename] [-findField fieldName (default is
> agentAddress)]
>      [-showFields fields to output (default is
> segment,agentAddress,community)] [-showAll show all fields]
>      [-help this help text]
> }
> __END__
> : # start finding results
> : if ($inFile){  # find  results if we have in -inFile
>    Is the comment really needed? "if ( $inFile )"
> pretty much says the same thing.
>    Note that in the original script $inFile is never set
> to a value. This code block is never executed. Perhaps
> we can see the stupidity in declare all variables at the
> top. If this variable were set when it was first used,
> we would receive an error and know we had never set it to
> begin with.
> :       open DFILE, "$opt_inFile"  # open $inFile and
> :                                # read in or die
>    Is the comment really needed? The 'open' function
> opens files and the "or die" is right down there. Don't
> quote variables unnecessarily. "$opt_inFile" is not
> always the same as $opt_inFile. Even in an open
> statement it looks suspect.
> :               or die " could not open $opt_inFile";
>    Sentences start with capital letters, not spaces.
> Perl provides a nice error in the $! variable. The
> qq() function is discussed in 'perlop'.
>  or die qq(Cannot open "$opt_inFile": $!);
>    So we have a flag named $inFile, a file handle
> named DFILE, an option named $opt_inFile, and an array
> named @dataFile. Doesn't seem too consistent to me.
> :       @dataFile = <DFILE>;
>    You're chomping all the values below.
>    chomp( @dataFile = <DFILE>;
> :       close DFILE;
> :
> :       foreach $value (@dataFile) {  # loop  for each
> :                                   # line/site in
> :                                   # dataFile
>    Why is $value a file scoped variable. It is only
> used in this loop.
>    foreach my $value ( @dataFile ) {
> :               chomp $value ;
>    What's the space ("$value ;") for?
> :               @foundSegments=findVars($feildName,$value);
>    White space, white space, white space!
>   @foundSegments = findVars( $fieldName, $value );
> :       }
>    This whole loop is the same as this statement.
> @foundSegments = findVars( $fieldName, $dataFile[-1] );
> : } elsif ($ARGV[0]) { # read in value from comandline
>    This does not match the usage. $ARGV[0] cannot be
> a value unless the usage statement is wrong. When
> GetOptions() is done, @ARGV should be empty. If it is
> not, the usage statement is wrong.
> :       foreach $value ($ARGV[0]) {  # loop  for each
> :                                  # line/site in
> :                                  # dataFile
>    $ARGV[0] is a scalar value. This will loop only one
> time.
> :               @foundSegments=findVars($feildName,$value);
> :       }
>    This loop is the same as this.
>    @foundSegments = findVars( $feildName, $ARGV[0] );
> : } else {print $USAGE; exit; }   #quit if no values are
> : supplyed...
>    The comment is probably not helping. See above for comments
> on this rewrite.
> } else {
>    print $USAGE;
>    exit;
> }
>    So far we have the following logic.
> if ( $inFile ) {
>    # will always fail
> } elsif ( $ARGV[0] ) {
>    # should always fail
> } else {
>    print $USAGE;
>    exit;
> }
>    Which is the same as
> print $usage;
> exit;
>    I'm going to stop here. You need to show how this
> script works and perhaps show my error in interpreting
> the usage statement. An example input file would also
> help testing.
> HTH,
> Charles K. Clarkson
> --
> Mobile Homes Specialist
> 254 968-8328


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