
In contrast to bookmarked web site pages, I may want ability instead to
store these urls in some sort of a text file or files or database of some
sorts.  I'd also use a keyword(s) associated with each url.

My idea is, for my more frequently used urls, to have an organized index
that I can click on one of the sites.  Also a part of that, for infrequently
visited sites, would be ability to search using keyword(s)

Perl cgi might work then just bring the search results listed by keyword
categories, bring up in web browser.  I speak of my local machine only.  I
have Apache as well as Perl.

I use both MS Windows and I learning Linux Red Hat 7.3

What Perl module(s) might already written for this type of task?

Ideas?  Suggestions?

I a beginner knows enuff can (sometimes) write my interface to a module.

Thanks.  Alan.

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