Now I am trying to select only records that are in both files.  I am trying
to go through one file and then check if it is in the next.  I am

open VEH, $veh or die "Cant open it :$!";
open CKEY, $ckey or die "Cant open it :$!";

open WRFILE, ">$wrfile";
while (defined ($line = <VEH>)) {
chomp $line;
@data = split(/\;/,$line);
    $true = 0;
   foreach (<CKEY>) {
   next if ($_ ne $data[1]);
   $true =1
if ($true eq 1) {
printf WRFILE ("0%9d",$data[0]);

print WRFILE $data[2], ";";
print WRFILE "\n";
close VEH;


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