Hi list,

Thank you all who responded to my question and in particular Dr MindHacker. 
After I saw the
corrected code, I realized how I am supposed to "think" in perl.

Thank you very much.


>   Danny,
>    The code is below, I ran a simple test and
> it worked.  The "Please choose ..." part should
> be at top because that will always execute so
> long as the final elseif path is not executed...
>    Also, the other $guess = <STDIN> were simply
> redundant after this fix so I removed them.
> Dr MindHacker
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>  $upper = 20 ;
>  $lower = 1 ;
>  $target = 11 ;
>  while ( )
>  {
>   print "Please choose a number between ${lower} and  
> ${upper}\n" ;
>      $guess = <STDIN>;
>      if ( $guess > $target )
>        {  print "Too high\n" ;  }
>      elsif ( $guess < $target )
>        {  print "Too low\n" ;  }
>      elsif ( $guess == $target )
>        {
>          print "You guessed right\n" ;
>          exit ;
>        }
>      }
> Dr MindHacker

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