Hi Perl buddies,

  Can I do something like this:

 my $line = 'One Two Three Four Five Six';
 my( $first, $last ) = (split(' ', $line))[0,$#(split(' ', $line))];

This does not work.  What I want to do is to find the index of the last
element of a list created by split, and use it in a slice on the same
line.  Wow, that sounds garbled when I re-read it.  With the above
example, I want the two variables to contain the following:

  $first = 'One';
  $last = 'Six';

I realize I can do this in two steps:

  my $line = 'One Two Three Four Five Six';
  my @line = split(' ', $line);
  my($first, $last) = @line[0,$#line];

But I was wondering if it can be done on one line.


PS  ----  oops ... I just remembered negative indexing.  This works:

  my $line = 'One Two Three Four Five Six';
  my( $first, $last ) = (split(' ', $line )[0, -1];


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