Due to an bad and old software i need to do an fix. 

i have problems though, i need to list all the users in a global group. (Active 
directory), this was easy to do. I need to put these users in an local group on a 
server, this is easy aswell! 

The problem i get is that when i list the global group for members it only lists the 
users, not any more groups in this global group.

Script, this gets users.

use strict;
use Win32API::Net;
my (@users,$user);

my $group = "GLOBALGROUP";
my $server = "SERVER";
Win32API::Net::GroupGetUsers($server, $group, \@users);
for $user (@users) {
print "$user\n";

Then its easy aswell to add these to an local group. There is alot of users belonging 
in groups in this global group (nested groups) how do i get those out? the 
groupgetusers doesnt even show the group names in there. So i cant go around it and 
list that group for users aswell..any ideas?

another quick question aswell. How do i check if an array contains data or is empty? 
any quick way?


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