
I'm trying to make perl bindings for the GnuTLS library, but I'm having
som problems with h2xs when generating XS-stubs:

$ h2xs -x /usr/include/gnutls/gnutls.
Defaulting to backwards compatibility with perl 5.8.4
If you intend this module to be compatible with earlier perl version
specify a minimum perl version with the -b option.

Writing Gnutls/ppport.h
Scanning typemaps...
 Scanning /usr/share/perl/5.8/ExtUtils/typemap
Scanning /usr/include/gnutls/gnutls.h for functions...
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         struct gnutls_session_int* gnutls_session
whited-out as
                gnutls_session_int* gnutls_session
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         struct gnutls_dh_params_int* gnutls_dh_params
whited-out as
                gnutls_dh_params_int* gnutls_dh_params
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         struct gnutls_rsa_params_int* gnutls_rsa_params
whited-out as
                gnutls_rsa_params_int* gnutls_rsa_params
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         int (*gnutls_db_store_func)(void*, gnutls_datum key, gnutls
whited-out as
             (*gnutls_db_store_func)(void*,              key,       
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         int (*gnutls_db_remove_func)(void*, gnutls_datum key)
whited-out as
             (*gnutls_db_remove_func)(void*,              key)
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         gnutls_datum (*gnutls_db_retr_func)(void*, gnutls_datum key
whited-out as
                      (*gnutls_db_retr_func)(void*,              key
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         struct DSTRUCT* gnutls_certificate_credentials
whited-out as
                DSTRUCT* gnutls_certificate_credentials
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         struct DSTRUCT* gnutls_anon_server_credentials
whited-out as
                DSTRUCT* gnutls_anon_server_credentials
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         struct DSTRUCT* gnutls_anon_client_credentials
whited-out as
                DSTRUCT* gnutls_anon_client_credentials
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         struct gnutls_x509_privkey_int* gnutls_x509_privkey
whited-out as
                gnutls_x509_privkey_int* gnutls_x509_privkey
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         struct gnutls_x509_crl_int* gnutls_x509_crl
whited-out as
                gnutls_x509_crl_int* gnutls_x509_crl
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         struct gnutls_x509_crt_int* gnutls_x509_crt
whited-out as
                gnutls_x509_crt_int* gnutls_x509_crt
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         void* (*gnutls_alloc_function)(size_t)
whited-out as
         void* (*gnutls_alloc_function)(size_t)
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         void* (*gnutls_calloc_function)(size_t, size_t)
whited-out as
         void* (*gnutls_calloc_function)(              )
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         void (*gnutls_free_function)(void*)
whited-out as
panic: multiple types without intervening comma in
         void* (*gnutls_realloc_function)(void*, size_t)
whited-out as
         void* (*gnutls_realloc_function)(void*, size_t)
Expecting parenth after identifier in `fd_set *__restrict __readfds'
after `fd_set *__restrict ' at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/C/Scan.pm

Am I taking a completely wrong approach to this? 

I have begun writing the XS-stubs myself but there are som ENUM's defined 
in the header it would be helpful if h2xs could help me to get access to. 


./Jesper Krogh, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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