On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 08:21, David T-G wrote:
> Kevin --
> ...and then K Old said...
> % 
> ...
> % 
> % The posting a few weeks ago about "for" vs. "foreach" was interesting and got 
> % me thinking about warnings.
> That sounds really interesting; unfortunately I haven't kept up enough
> to see it.  Do you recall some particularly-identifiable text from the
> thread that I could use to search it out?


The posting was "Re: Very slow array searching" by "George P."


Or, for the memory conscious,
(since foreach involves loading all elements into memory)

$l_status = 'FALSE';
for (my $i=0; $i < @numbers; $i++)
    if ($numbers[$i] == $l_number)
        $l_status = 'TRUE';


I'm not sure how to benchmark this, but would be very interested if
someone knew how.  I'd like to see it just for fun.

Hope this helps,

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