
i have a dataset consisting of an array of arrays.

$data = [
    [q_beg1, q_end1, s_beg1, s_end1]
    [q_beg2, q_end2, s_beg2, s_end2]
    [q_beg3, q_end3, s_beg3, s_end3]

q_beg, q_end, s_beg, s_end are all integers.

now, i would like to find all rows where q_beg and q_end are within one
interval (int1_beg, int1_end) while s_beg and s_end are within another
interval (int2_beg, int2_end).

this can be done with grep:

grep {$_->[0] < int1_beg and $_->[1] > int1_end and
      $_->[2] < int2_beg and $_->[3] > int2_end} @$data;

however, this is too slow for my purpose. so how to speed up such

the query would be simple enough in a relational database, however i
want to avoid using a database using tables on disk.

i should think this was a pretty generic problem.

ideas are most welcome !

best regards


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