Irfan J Sayed schreef:

> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
>  use warnings;
>  use strict;


>  my $file = "c:\";


  my $file = 'c:\';

or rather

  my $file = 'c:/';

>  open(FH,$file) || die " can't open a file";

Make that:

  open my $fh, '<', $file  or  die "Error opening '$file': $!" ;

>  my $pattern = '\w\s\w';

   my $pattern = qr/\w\s\w/ ;

>  my $input = <>;
>  print "yes got the match " if $input =~ /$pattern/;

Try this:

   while ( <$fh> ) {
     /$pattern/ and printf "match in line %s\n", $. ;

> but  i am getting following error
> Name "main::FH" used only once: possible typo at C:\irfan\

   close $fh  or  die "Error closing '$file': $!" ;

Affijn, Ruud

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