
i am not getting the output of the remote command
execution, in the $output, though the dump_log shows
that cmd is executed successfully,

 the following code involves scalar context or array

        my output ie temp array is printed as three
blanklines followed by []

i want to know in this code, the @tmp really contains
the output or 1 or the boolean status only. (in my
case it is about 30 lines)
, and i run single command(although multiple cmds are
supported in the code)
sub sfRemoteRun($$){

    my $telnet = shift;
    $cmds = shift;
    my @results;   
    my @buf;

    print STDERR " -SFREMOTERUN $runtime\n" if $DEBUG;
    eval {
        local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {die "runtimedout";};
        alarm $runtime;

        foreach my $eachcmd (@{$cmds}){
            my @tmp = $telnet->cmd("$eachcmd");
            push @results, @tmp;
            printf("temp array: \n");
            foreach (@tmp) {
            print "$_\n";
        alarm 0;

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