Subject: RE: perl graphics editing
Thanks to all that gave the info. Seems that ImageMagik is the winner hands
down. :-)
David Gerler
Gerler Enterprises
PO BOX 16357
Chesapeake VA 23328
Nationwide Dial-up from $12.45
Simonsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 4:22 PM
To: David Gerler; Beginners
Subject: Re: perl graphics editing
This isn't a Perl solution (unless you run it from a perl script...) but
it'll work. Use mogrify, part of the imagemagic software suite one
command w
This isn't a Perl solution (unless you run it from a perl script...) but
it'll work. Use mogrify, part of the imagemagic software suite one
command will do the whole trick.
On Thu, 2002-07-18 at 11:56, David Gerler wrote:
> Hi,
> I have searched cpan using ppm looking for a packag
Don;t know if this is still the *right* way to do things, but
Image::Magick was always my favorite.
Basically you read the file, set the attributes, and then write the file
back out.
David Gerler wrote:
> Hi,
> I have searched cpan using ppm looking for a package to use. I would like
I have searched cpan using ppm looking for a package to use. I would like
to write a script to edit the size of jpg's. Is there a package out there or
even a script out there that will help me with this?
I have about 2500 images that I need to resize to make them thumbs. That'