Hi everyone,

Could you point out what is wrong the count and the
while loop below?

Here is part of the script:

$sql_alias = qq( select
  aliasName = l.name
  master..syslogins l,
  $eachdb..sysusers u,
  $eachdb..sysalternates a
  a.suid = l.suid
  and a.altsuid = u.suid
  and u.name = "dbo"
  order by l.name   );
$count = 0;
while( my @aliasdata = $sth->fetchrow_array){
      print "$aliasdata[0]";
      $count_alias = $count++ ;
      if ($count_alias == 0){
print FILE<<EOF
  There is no dbo alias user in $eachdb
      }#end if
print FILE<<EOF
      Alias Name   Aliased User
      $aliasdata[0]  dbo

########this is the resule of the output file########
# but this is NOT what i want

    There is no dbo alias user in FCCSUN26W..cdbs 
      Alias Name   Aliased User 
      jchamber     dbo
      Alias Name   Aliased User 
      lnagy       dbo
Alias Name   Aliased User 
      rvenkata dbo

#### This is what I WANT for the out put
#either print

  there is dbo alias found in this db

### or print

  Alias Name   Aliased User 
  jchamber    dbo
  lnagy       dbo
  rvenkata    dbo

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