I have a perl cgi file that works fine. However, I
want to move it into a sub directory -- the cgi-bin
directory for Apache HTTPD is just getting too

So I created a directory and moved my file. It could
not find my evidence_db.pm file (which defined
variables like $sCssRoot that contain the paths to my
cascading style sheet directory). So I added the
command use "../" and this lib statement solved one

However, as I mentioned, I also have js (javascript)
and css (cascading style sheet) files that work in the
top level directory but don't work now. Is there a way
I can painless move files around in directories?

Here is my source code:

use CGI qw(:standard);
use lib "../";
use evidence_db;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
print $q->header( ),  
  start_html(-title => ($q->param("sTitle")||"Design
And Request Evaluations for True Value Cases"),
             -meta=>{'keywords'=>'Add Keywords here',
                     'copyright'=>'copyright 2003
             -author   => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
                       { -language => "JavaScript1.2",
                         -src      =>
             -background =>
             -onload     => "BodyLoad();",
             -style      => {"src" =>

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