Yesterday, Chris Devers wrote:

On Tue, 21 Mar 2006, julian thomas p wrote:

but when i tried to run inweb server( iam
getting a blank page rather than results.

permission level for script is 711 and for cgi folder 700.

Can [you] please post some code?

Can you write a minimal script -- even just


 print "Content-type: text/plain\n\nTesting 1 2 3\n";

that does work on the server?

If so, that helps narrow down whether it's a server config issue, a
script issue, or what have you.

But so far there isn't enough information to provide more feedback.

Actually, there's plenty of info here. The problem (as virtually all beginning CGI problems are) is permissions.

Julian, your CGI directory permissions are 700. That means the owner (probably you) has full access (that's the 7), but the group and other (everybody else on the system) has no access (that's the 00). So how do you expect the webserver, which is probably running as 'web', or 'nobody', to get into the directory to read your files?
Try 'chmod 755 my_cgi_directory'.


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