Thanks for the pointer Bob,

I read a few of the Google links you pointed out and now understand why this cannot be done. I guess I'll have to work a little bit around this one. I found that I can set/read/manipulate a cookie with JavaScript, (GoLive has some tools for this) but I haven't tested them yet. If this is so, I can link pages from the "Home Page" to my CGI script and try to measure the data I need from there, which is another topic, but I'll bring it up now anyway...

Google Ads.....

Mainly what I want to know is if people are using a clients "Google" ads as a gateway into their site. It's fine that they get new users from Google, but I want to encourage repeat visitors to bookmark the site with a "Nag Screen" if they keep using Google ads to enter the site, and I suspect this is so.

Another potential problem I see with Google ads is their "Affiliate" program. What stops someone from setting one of these up on a site they own, then clicking links, or even worse, writing a "Bot" to click the ads Google delivers? (aside going to jail for fraud, which we really can't depend on). I suspect this may be happening too...

I've been watching their log files in real time and I've see some repeated odd behavior that makes me suspicious. A user comes in from
Google and hits the same 4 pages so fast that they cannot possibly even be looking at them, then they disappear, and my client pays Google and their affiliate for this. I dunno, maybe I'm just paranoid, or tired, or both....

Any thoughts on this?

Kindest Regards,

Bill Stephenson

On Dec 8, 2004, at 12:58 PM, Bob Showalter wrote:

Your code to set the cookie is OK, but I don't think you can do this from
SSI; only the body of the response is used, not the headers (where the
cookie is set).

Googling for "set cookie from ssi" turns up lots of discussion of this

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