> Hi everyone,
> I don't know if this is the right group to ask this but I have been
> trying to access my website outside of my router but have been unable
> to do so.
> I've tried Port Forwarding, changed some settings in http.conf.  My
> site can be accessed at foobar.homelinux.com(for example) Locally.  But
> if I try to access foobar.homelinux.com outside of the router, I can't
> get a connection.
> Does anyone have a similar problem?
> -gohaku

It is probably a little OT but what router version do you have? I am
running a wireless version 1 router (<rant>linksys screwed us early
adopters by not distributing recent firmware upgrades</rant>) and the
port forwarding does not work when the wireless is activated, so
obviously I can't have both at once. However, I was able to put my
server in the DMZ  (I know less secure, but its an up-to-date linux
boxen so it is fairly secure (read: more secure than a M$ boxen)
anyways) and still get wireless. So are you sure the portforwarding is
actually working? If you feel confident in the security of the box you
could put it out in the DMZ, obviously this prevents multiple servers
behind the router, but most home users probably don't care. Other than
that my setup is basically the same, I use DynDNS with ddclient and
everything is groovy.

Now if I could find a way to thwart the recent blocking of SSH out of
the company.....


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