> On 14 May 2004, at 15:58, Werner Otto wrote:
> > Is there any way in which I can make my site appear the same in all 
> > available browsers?
> No.
> (I'd be very impressed if you could even make it appear similar in 
> Emacspeak, JAWS, Firefox, and Lynx).
> Work to public standards, then tweak for bugs in popular browsers.
> http://www.allmyfaqs.com/faq.pl?AnySizeDesign
> And this doesn't really have much to do with CGI does it?

An excellent link!  Tried for 3 years at an interactive agency to get
their designers to understand these points, failed miserably.  

Now I work maintaining a system daemon, no one much cares what he looks
like, only whether he is grumpy ;-)...


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