On 8/5/01 10:12 AM, Brian wrote:

> Okay guys, can we PLEASE not post messages to both the beginners and the
> beginners-cgi lists?  I'm on both, and I know that lots of the people
> out there are on both.  So, we end up with 2 copies of each message.
> Plus, if you have your filters set up stupid like some of us (yeah, me)
> you end up with 4 copies of each message.  So please, for the love of
> all that is holy, pure, and good in this world, just post to the related
> group.

Amen! (I know I've been guilty of that, but only when responding to messages
what were originally posted to both groups.)

Make life easier for those of us who don't want to spend an hour getting our
filters to work perfectly...

-Michael Kelly

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