For some reason, when I turn on taint checking, my script dies on the line
where I open up sendmail to send an email:


    my ($inOrderTxt) = (param('ordertxt') =~ /([\s!-~]+)/);
    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
    $year += 1900;

    # mail in order
    open (MAIL, "|$mailapp -t") || die "<p>Couldn't connect to $mailapp:
    print MAIL <<EOM;
From: $emailsender
To: $ordersemail
Subject: ORDER - $mon/$mday/$year\n

do dee

    close(MAIL) or die "<p>Couldn't close $mailapp: $!</p>\n";


Without taint checking it works fine.  Even if I replace all the variables
within the mail part with plain text, it still dies right there, so Iım not
sure whatıs wrong...

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!!

* Bryan

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