On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 03:45:32PM +0100, Francesco Scaglioni wrote:
: Hi
: And thanks again.
: Can anyone suggest why the following gives me an error of:
: 'no comma allowed after filehandle at /cgi-bin/filename line 13'
: Line 13 is the print header, start_html( etc etc one

That is actually a byproduct from the following error:

: #!/usr/bin/perl -w
: #
: # test script to query an mysql database via cgi and web interface
: # developed as standalone and now for conversion to run as cgi
: # - in hashes at the bottom is the functionning standalone version
: #
: use strict;
: use DBI;
: use CGI qw(standard);

Should be:

  use CGI qw(:standard);

: my ($sql, $dbh, $sth, $field1, $value1, $field2, $value2, @rows, $counter, $q);
: print header, start_html("test_query"),  h1("test_query");
: print p("If you want to query the database please fill in the form
: below and press the Query button"), print hr();
: $q = CGI -> new();
: if (param())  {
:     $field1 = param ("field1");
:     $value1 = param ("value1");
:     $field2 = param ("field2");
:     $value2 = param ("value2");
:     print h2("OK so far");
: $dbh = DBI -> connect ("DBI:mysql:ami","fgs") || die $DBI::errstr;
: $sql = qq{SELECT * FROM testami WHERE $field1 = '$value1' and $field2 = '$value2'};
: $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql);
: $sth -> execute();
: $counter = 0;
: while (@rows = $sth -> fetchrow_array())  {
:     $counter++;
:     $dbh -> disconnect();
: }
:     print p("The toal number of matches was \$counter");
: }
: else  {
:     print hr();
:     print start_form();
:     print p("What is the first field ?  : ", textfield ("field1"));
:     print p("WHat is value for field one ?  : ", textfield ("value1"));
:     print p("What is name of field2 ?  : ", textfield("field2"));
:     print p("What is value for field2 ?  : ", testfield("value2"));
:     print p(submit("Query"), reset("Clear"));
:           print end_form(), hr();
:       }
: print end_html();
: #!/usr/bin/perl -w
: #
: #use strict;
: #use DBI;
: #my ($sql, $dbh, $sth, $field1, $value1, $field2, $value2, @rows, $counter);
: #
: #print "Enter the first fieldname (field1)       : "; chomp ($field1 = <>);
: #print "enter the value for field one (value1)   : "; chomp ($value1 = <>);
: #print "Enter the second fieldname (field2)      : "; chomp ($field2 = <>);
: #print "enter the value for field two (value2)   : "; chomp ($value2 = <>);
: #$dbh = DBI -> connect ("DBI:mysql:ami","fgs") || die $DBI::errstr;
: #$sql = qq{SELECT * FROM testami WHERE $field1 = '$value1' and $field2 = '$value2'};
: #$sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql);
: #$sth -> execute();
: #$counter = 0;
: #while (@rows = $sth -> fetchrow_array())  {
: #    $counter++;
: #    print "@rows\n";
: #};
: #    print "Number of records  =  $counter\n\n";
: #$dbh -> disconnect;

  Casey West

Shooting yourself in the foot with Prolog 
You attempt to shoot yourself in the foot, but the bullet, failing to
find its mark, backtracks to the gun, which then explodes in your

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