Milis punya blog yang berisi pembelajaran VBA. Ini alamat blognya :


On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 8:57 PM, <> wrote:

> Mohon bantuannya untuk penyempurnaan code berikut, code nya sudah
> mendekati PAS dengan kasus yg saya inginkan hanya saja ada sedikit
> kekurangan:
> 1. code hanya melakukan pencarian dan mewarnainya hanya pada 1 cell saja
> alias harus tekan CTRL+A baru secara
>     secara keseluruhan mencari dan mewarnai. (yg saya inginkan sekali klik
> langsung mencari dan warnai semua)
> 2.saya ingin data yg ditemukan ditandai dengan warna merah tebal (bolt)
> 3. saya butuh semacam textbox (atau semacam itu hehehehe) untuk
> mengetikkan data yg diinginkan artinya agar tidak
>     selalu memasukkan kata kunci di VBS module.
> Please Para master excel.. help me.. :(
> berikut code nya:
> Option Explicit
> Option Compare Text
> Sub testme()
> Application.ScreenUpdating = False
> Dim myWords As Variant
> Dim myRng As Range
> Dim foundCell As Range
> Dim iCtr As Long 'word counter
> Dim cCtr As Long 'character counter
> Dim FirstAddress As String
> Dim AllFoundCells As Range
> Dim myCell As Range
> 'add other words here
> myWords = Array("122")
> Set myRng = Selection
> On Error Resume Next
> Set myRng = Intersect(myRng, _
> myRng.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues))
> On Error GoTo 0
> If myRng Is Nothing Then
> MsgBox "Please choose a range that contains text constants!"
> Exit Sub
> End If
> For iCtr = LBound(myWords) To UBound(myWords)
> FirstAddress = ""
> Set foundCell = Nothing
> With myRng
> Set foundCell = .Find(what:=myWords(iCtr), _
> LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart, _
> after:=.Cells(.Cells.Count))
> If foundCell Is Nothing Then
> MsgBox myWords(iCtr) & "tidak ditemukan"
> Else
> Set AllFoundCells = foundCell
> FirstAddress = foundCell.Address
> Do
> If AllFoundCells Is Nothing Then
> Set AllFoundCells = foundCell
> Else
> Set AllFoundCells = Union(foundCell, AllFoundCells)
> End If
> Set foundCell = .FindNext(foundCell)
> Loop While Not foundCell Is Nothing _
> And foundCell.Address <> FirstAddress
> End If
> End With
> If AllFoundCells Is Nothing Then
> 'do nothing
> Else
> For Each myCell In AllFoundCells.Cells
> For cCtr = 1 To Len(myCell.Value)
> If Mid(myCell.Value, cCtr, Len(myWords(iCtr))) _
> = myWords(iCtr) Then
> myCell.Characters(Start:=cCtr, _
> Length:=Len(myWords(iCtr))) _
> .Font.ColorIndex = 3
> End If
> Next cCtr
> Next myCell
> End If
> Next iCtr
> Application.ScreenUpdating = True
> End Sub
> ---------------------------------------------------------FILE
> TERLAMPIR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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