Hai para pecinta excel, mau nanya nich. saya ada kasus: saya ingin mencetak laporan yang ada di excel dengan menggunakan printer epson LX300, tetapi waktu yang di hasilkan sangat lama sekali untuk menghasilkan cetakan tersebut. Apa ya penyebabnya. tapi kalau memprint lewat program lain contoh visual basic yang ada cristal report nya, data yang di print lewat program tersebut sangat cepat. mohon pencerahannya untuk solusi yang harus saya lakukan. Terima kasih banyak. Salam, Rasyid Disclaimer - This message including any attachments and information contained herein ("Message" ) may contain privileged information or otherwise is protected from disclosure. Any unauthorized use of this Message by any person may lead to legal consequences. If you receive this Message in error, or if the recipient of this Message is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent authorized for delivering this Message to the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution or copying of this Message or let or cause this Message to be disclosed,disseminated, distributed, or copied is strictly prohibited, and please notify the sender by return message and immediately delete this Message from your system. Incoming and outgoing communications using this electronic mail may be monitored by PT Arutmin Indonesia,as permitted by applicable law and regulations. Unless it is made by the authorized person,any views expressed in this Message are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the views of PT Arutmin Indonesia. You should check attachments for viruses and defects before opening or using them. We are not liable to recover any injuries caused by virused or defected attachments.
[belajar-excel] ngeprint laporan di excel lambat dengan menggunakan epson LX300.
Contract Mining Assistant, Asam-Asam Thu, 15 Jul 2010 02:31:35 -0700