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--- Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
>                           BERNER-L Digest 4553
> Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Re: BERNER-L digest 4552
>       by "Tina Slanc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   2) JUST 4 MOVE DAYS>>>>>>>>It's Never too late to
> support Berner-Garde!
>       by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   3) Lola gets a sib
>       by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   4) RE: Looking for Paradise Mtn puppies...
>       by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   5) Paranoid??
>       by "Ellen Lauber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   6) RE: Twisted Stomach - Good Outcome
>       by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   7) need a cart
>       by "Claudia Brydon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   8) RE: Berner-Garde Fundraiser
>       by "Vicki Fallin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   9) RE: Berner-Garde Fundraiser
>       by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  10) RE: Berner-Garde Fundraiser
>       by "Caldwell, Liz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  11) Draft Test -- BMDCNV--October 18
>       by Elizabeth Malcolmson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ATTACHMENT part 2.1 message/rfc822 
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 00:05:11 -0500
> From: "Tina Slanc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: BERNER-L digest 4552
> I'll be out of the office Wed. August 27.  Back on
> Thurs.

> ATTACHMENT part 2.2 message/rfc822 
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 07:42:23 -0400
> From: "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: JUST 4 MOVE DAYS>>>>>>>>It's Never too late
> to support Berner-Garde!
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bernese List
>  Susan and Phil Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  Bernd Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --On Tuesday, August 26, 2003 4:31 PM -0700 Jeannie
> Schoen 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:r
> > The prizes for Berner-Garde are awsome!  I have a
> couple questions.  Are 
> the framed stamps, contributed by the Hendersons, a
> rare find?  Date? 
> Country?  I assume the book, was it Zuchtbuch, is
> written in German. Is it 
> out of print?   Thank you all for your generosity of
> gifts!!   Happy 
> Trails, Jeannie Schoen
> **  Hi Jeannie,
> Yes, the prizes for the Berner-Garde Fundraiser are
> indeed AWESOME!!!!
> I'm afraid that I can't answer the question about
> the stamps, but I have 
> included Susan Henderson on the To: portion of this
> message, so maybe she 
> can answer the questions you have about the framed. 
>  I do know that they 
> are lovely and would look nice hanging in your
> home!!!!
> The Zuchtbuch is published each year and contains
> dogs in Germany.   I know 
> that breeders use it as their Bible in Germany, and
> yes, it is in German. 
> I know many people in the US who also use it
> extensively.   The book has 
> photos of each Berner, too and the numbers are the
> same in English and 
> German, so once you figure out what the headings
> are, you can use the book 
> even if you can't read German.   Bernd, would you
> care to further comment 
> on the Zuchtbuch?
> There are JUST 4 MORE DAYS until the Berner-Garde
> Fundraiser is over.   So 
> far, we have raised $2,216 - I was really hoping
> we'd get a whole lot 
> closer to the all time high we've raised for
> Berner-Garde, which was 
> $7,284.25 back in 2000.   There is still time for
> you to support 
> Berner-Garde through entering our "Name the Costco
> Berner Contest" and 
> getting tickets to try to win one of the 99 prizes. 
>  You have to go to the 
> website to check out the wonderful items that are
> available for you to try 
> to win:
> If you haven't visited the website in the last week,
> you better check it 
> out, especially to see the gorgeous etchings that
> were just added this 
> week.   Even if you've already entered, you'll want
> to send me more money 
> to try to win either the color or black and white
> BARC commissioned Berner 
> etchings we have.
> There is still time - I always leave another week
> for those procrastinating 
> people's checks to reach me.    The drawing will be
> around Sept. 7th or 
> so.....
> Now, HURRY *~*~*~*~*  Click on that website so you
> can get directions for 
> entering the contest and can try to win some of
> these neat prizes - your 
> chances are terrific to win since the tickets have
> been spread out over 99 
> items.   There's never been a better time to enter a
> contes than this 
> one!!!!!
> I hope I have to get a BIG BOX to carry all of those
> check/cheques into the 
> house!!!
> Joye Neff and Nicky (and Ben) - awaiting the arrival
> of Maria Crifasi and 
> Laura Mendez at our home today for a three day visit
> to Pittsburgh, PA

> ATTACHMENT part 2.3 message/rfc822 
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 09:02:47 EDT
> Subject: Lola gets a sib
> Well, after years of questioning, thinking,
> yearning, we're about to get 
> another Berner pup to join Lola, the 4-year-old
> apple of our eyes.  Yay!  BUT - I 
> need some wise advice on integrating this baby into
> the 'pack' without hurting 
> Lola's feelings (or shortchanging the new addition).
>  Lola is completely 
> unterritorial, and incredibly accepting (although
> not terribly enthusiastic abourt 
> puppies), so I'm more worried about her getting
> depressed than acting 
> aggresive toward Ruby (yes, RUBY).  
> Also, while I was mainly working from home when Lola
> arrived, I now work 
> three days a week in an office (10-5), and our son
> has left for college.  I'm 
> planning to stay home for at least the first week. 
> After that, what?  Lola's dog 
> walker can probably come an extra time each day, but
> will this be enough?  
> Should I leave Ruby crated or confined to a room in
> between times (on work days)? 
>  Should I leave Lola with her (after determining
> that she really is 
> unaggressive toward her, of course)?  I'm afraid
> Lola will be stressed out if the puppy 
> is crying and she can't get to her.  But also that
> the pup will drive her 
> nuts if I leave them confined to the same room. 
> (Miss L has free run of the 
> house, of course.)
> Another issue: Lola is very responsive to our voices
> and emotional states.  
> If we speak sharply to 'discipline' the puppy, I'm
> afraid she'll think we're 
> yelling at her.  
> All advice is welcome.  We're excited (and I'm a
> little nervous, even after 
> raising three other dogs).
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