Should this be disturbing me?

2003-07-18 Thread nbmws6
I was browsing the internet and did a search on Bernese, I love looking at the pictures. I came across this site. They have 2 f and 1 m puppies, not related, for sale (even have a 3 for 1 special price) have import pedigrees. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but they even have some Newfs for sa

Re: nice question--how to make your dog throw up!

2003-03-22 Thread nbmws6
I used a mixture of peroxide and water before, something like a teaspoon of peroxide to a cup of water, wait 5 minutes and there it goes. - Original Message - From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 3:04 PM Subject: nice question--how to make your d

Re: Killer COP.. Cookeville, TN

2003-01-12 Thread nbmws6
I found a link to the police video if anyone wants to see it, it gave me chills the dog looked like he was doing a happy romping not a charge at someone DawnWells, Manson, Rio

Fw: Snowing in Texas

2003-01-12 Thread nbmws6
> I never thought Manson (9mos) would ever see snow! He was trying to taste it > as it was falling, too funny. Its just starting to lay in the grass, but is > going full force! > Dawn Wells, Manson, Rio >

Re: Winter skin??

2002-12-05 Thread nbmws6
Actually Rose, my vet recommended these capsules (10 calories each) in lieu of putting supplement oil on his food to keep the calories low, Manson is just 8 months old btw. Dawn Wells, Manson, Rio > > Hi Karen, > If Stevie is still under one year of age I would not recommend giving him > oil supp

Re: Winter skin??

2002-12-04 Thread nbmws6
My vet suggested fish oil omega 3 fatty acid supplements, Manson was loosing his hair from allergies. His coat is getting beautiful and the hair is growing back in now (he has only been taking it for 3 weeks. I give him a 1000mg twice a day, for his 94lbs. I get Spring Valley #60 for under $4 at Wa

Sounds like a step in the right direction

2002-11-26 Thread nbmws6
I was having a discussion with someone who bought a 4 month old Doberman puppy at a pet store, and got into an anti-petstore conversation. He was saying that the poor thing doesn't know how to be a puppy, just life in a cage. He is working with him to encourage "normal" puppy life. I was surprised

Re: Dog Food

2002-11-22 Thread nbmws6
I have this link that was posted a few weeks ago. - Original Message - From: "Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 6:25 PM Subject: Re: Dog Food > Here is the link to

Re: Dog Food

2002-11-22 Thread nbmws6
It is also stated on that site that euthanized pets from the shelters are also being used for pet food, thus getting the drug into the food, anyone see the old movie Soilent Green? Disgusting. - Original Message - From: "Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[E

CVS Berner

2002-11-07 Thread nbmws6
I stopped at CVS to get the 7" plush Berner, they were all out. But the guy that assisted me took me to another isle and they had bigger ones selling for $5.99. I'd say about 12" long, I got 2 of them and since they were out of the one I wanted, he gave them to me for $3.99. I am still going to ano

Re: Dog Tag Silencers

2002-10-14 Thread nbmws6
I wonder if you could use the color coded things they put on keys? Might be cheaper too! Dawn and Manson - Original Message - From: "Eileen Chun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Berner-l" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 4:08 PM Subject: Dog Tag Silencers > I have seen where o

Keeping the pup clean

2002-10-11 Thread nbmws6
Oops sorry for the html Here it is again, I have a 6 month old Berner boy, Manson. I was browsing the pictures that everyone has posted on and was wondering what kind/brand of shampoo/conditioner everyone uses to make their dog's coats so silky and shiny. Anyone use any extra vitamins t

Keeping the pup clean

2002-10-10 Thread nbmws6
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