We had to postpone Hugo's second hydro-therapy session due to diarrhea and a
possible infection.  Today with the vet's blessing we returned to San Diego
with high hopes.  My friend Dawn was sure that he'd move his front paws this
time because he has been moving them slightly, on command, when lying down
this past week.   

The therapist first used an electromagnetic impulse machine on him and we
got the contraction reaction we had hoped for.  But in the water he was like
last time, just letting his legs hang down lifelessly.  My heart sunk.  I
was completely in the pool this time helping and holding Hugo's head up when
suddenly I hear a scream from behind me.  Dawn was beside the pool with her
back to the water, squatting to pick up the treats when she lost her
balance.  She tried to throw her weight forward but went up in the air and
-- fully clothed -- flipped backwards and landed head first in the pool.  I
didn't see any of this, I turned to see her tennis shoes on her feet
sticking out of the water like some cartoon.  Surprisingly she didn't
resurface immediately.  It was that horrible moment, the moment that's often
the subject of jokes or conjecture, where you have to choose between your
dog and your friend.  I confess, I hung onto Hugo, keeping his head out of
water while the therapist grabbed Dawn by her legs.  She came up smiling,
thank goodness, and proceeded to stay in the pool with us, fully dressed,
cheering Hugo on. 

Maybe it was the shock of all this but for whatever reason Hugo started
*kicking* his back legs.  It was beautiful, you can imagine, a lovely
swimming motion which he repeated for several little "laps" while the
therapist held and moved him along.  On his last lap he added the right
front paw to the thrill of all of us.  By now there were several other dog
owners there as well as the wonderful person who had originally recommended
this therapist, and a host of dogs all marveling at Hugo's first baby
swimming steps.

Donna and Hugo, 8 yr old, 4/02 surgery for ruptured neck disc, recovered
95%, 12/02 second neck disc surgery, possible spinal stroke; Feb 1 setback,
stopped moving legs; now working hard to come back  

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