Hi Esta,
Umbilical hernias are very common in Bernese and can sometimes be caused
during birth by excessive tugging on the cord.  Your breeder was right to
think that the hernia might "self correct", most of them do. What happens
is the little hole behind the hernia oftentimes heals over but there is a
little glob of fat that remains on the outside that you feel under the
skin, rather like an outie belly button! Most umbilical hernias are
reducible and providing there is no strangulation or gross enlargement or
redness the hernia can be left alone. I generally tidy up any umbilical
hernias when I xray my dogs and have never had to have emergency surgery
for them. I do not reimburse my puppy owners cost for what I consider
cosmetic surgery and as the majority of my puppies are sold as pets this
fault can be tidied up when spaying or neutering if it should still have a
small hole behind it. I think your breeder was very generous to reimburse
you for this:-)

Rose T.

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