Our 14 week pup Echo has taken to hoovering up almost everything she sees while
we are out walking, be it litter, sticks, stones, grass, leaves, etc
etc. I know that dogs are prone to this and that this will always be a
part of life with a dog but she seems to take it to ridiculous heights; she'll
"suck" something up, find that its inedible, spit it out and then suck
it up again just in case its now edible. She'll pounce on every
single leaf in the park.

Needless to say a good chunk of walk time is spent on convincing her
to spit out the various objects that she has tried to inhale (we are
still working on the "give" command).

Does anyone have any advice on how to reduce the number of items she
picks up? Or is this a fad that will fade?


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