Woops - just sent in html vs pt by mistake - so sorry, Pat.
Trying again.

Here are my responses to the survey:

1 --- Do you live in
        I live in the "burbs" (but close to the city, with country woods
behind us)
        (btw - I tried to put the whole word for this response here instead
        just saying the "burbs" - and my email was rejected because
        that word is a "command" word - did anyone else have this problem?)

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
        He used to always sleep on the cold tile in the bathroom, with his
        head resting part way into the hall, so he could see all of our
        doors.  Lately, he varies between that spot, my son's bedroom right
        beside his bed (this has only been since we rearranged my son's
        furniture so there's a good spot beside the bed with a view of the
        hallway), and our bedroom on the wood floor (again with a view of
        the hallway).

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
        He has SOOO many toys and loves them all, mostly those with
        squeakers, but I'd have to say his favorite is one he's worn through
        three versions of - a large stuffed "jack" with squeakers in each
        "spike" or leg of it.  He likes to lick and chew it.  We get a new
        one whenever he rips through getting close to getting the
        squeaker out.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
        How happy he makes me... and
        His amazing consistency at meeting me at the door with a toy
        in his mouth - and his great joy at just seeing me, which is
        equal to mine at seeing him.  It's so nice to come to him.

        His submission to my sister's 11 year old female Jack
        Russell Terrier - and apparent belief that she's bigger than him.

        His belief that EVERYONE he meets loves him - although it is mostly

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
    No - had an SUV AND a four-door pickup with full size backseat.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
    Kids soccer games (not by invitation, but by accident)
    His greatest accomplishment was PASSING his beginning obedience class
    without being the worst behaved dog in the class. (with a reluctant ok
by his
     teacher that he could move up to the next class level).

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.....
    Eating a (expensive, treasured) American Girl doll - Felicity, for those
    who know of these dolls.  Cost me $80 at a doll hospital due to my
    daughter's insistence that buying a new one wasn't the same.

Jill Kramer and Benny
Baltimore, MD

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