I agree, it has been heartbreaking to read the L
lately.  My heart goes out to all that have been
dealing with illness and death this spring.  

But to share a funny dog story from my pair.  I had
put my two, Heidi the berner and Shadow the lab, out
in the back for their morning playtime.  My husband
and I were watching them play through the kitchen
window and witnessed the funniest game.  Heidi was
running across the lawn at full throttle and Shadow
was hot on her heels.  A second look revealed that he,
Shadow, actually had her tail firmly in his mouth and
it was all he could do to keep up!  As they neared the
end of the lawn and the fence Heidi slowed only
slightly and whipped around in a fast turn.  Shadow
didn't let go and flew around like a kid at the end of
a "crack the whip" line at the roller rink!  They
continued back across the lawn like this until
finally, fed up, Heidi stopped, dropped and rolled and
pinned Shadow and released her tail.  They both had
the biggest doggy grins on their faces and looked so

Give all your fur babies a hug tonight.

Beth Oberle
St. Charles, IL 
Heidi the Berner
Shadow the Lab

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