FWIW - I like Innova and my dog did well on it.
My cats did not. I fed Iams to everyone for five years, but switched after
learning more about Innova. About a year after I made the switch, one of
my cats became VERY sick with bladder stones and required surgery. About
the same time another
In a message dated 11/5/2002 10:12:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> For the past few days
> Cheyenne has been eating well, drinking, urinating
> just fine. She is not
> coughing or sneezing, but her stool is VERY Loose!
> Formed at first, then a similar consistancy
ITs been a while I hope all are doing well.
My question is about innova. For the past few days
Cheyenne has been eating well, drinking, urinating
just fine. There is no change in her personality
(cept her need to be in the 30 degree cold at 5am, but
its like that everytime this year). She is no