I put together this webpage for our latest Berner rescue and 3 days later,
there are nearly 300 hits on that page.  I would encourage other clubs to
use this method.  It has worked very well for all our rescues, they find
homes quickly when people are able to see many photo.  The better the photo,
the more it works.  If your club does not have the ability to do this, I'll
volunteer to do this for any Berner rescue.  All you have to do is send me
the photos, contact information, information about the dog, location, etc.
See this page and use it as a guideline of what I'd need.


Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website: http://ClassiqueBMD.homestead.com
FREE Graphics:  http://ClassiqueBMDs.homestead.com/graphics.html
Heartland Club Website: http://www.hbmdc.org/

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