I have just finished entering the checks I received yesterday for the AKC CHF Fundraiser into my Excel spreadsheet and so far we have raised $1,683.68 for Grant #2214. There are ONLY 13 MORE DAYS left for this special fundraiser to help fight malignant histiocytosis and we need to raise at least $4,000 more to beat our last fundraiser for this cause. We really do need your help!!! So far we have had 41 people make donations to our fundraiser. There are 2,021 members of the Berner-l, so I would think that we should be able to get a LOT more donations from people in the USA and other countries. We are trying to see how many different countries can be represented in our donor list. Just yesterday I received a donation from Switzerland! We have also received cheques from Japan, the United Kingdom and Canada. I've included the ticket amounts you receive for many countries on the website. Is your country represented in our fundraiser? If your country isn't listed, just send me a message and I'll give you the information you need to make a donation.

Here is the website: http://www.overthefence.com/raffle/histio/

Please "check out" the website, then send a check or cheque to me to help raise money to fight histio.

Joye Neff and Nick (Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

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