Friends of ours (Trish and Aaron) had a baby this fall, and recently they
visited us for the first time since Kate's arrival. Kate has Borzoi at home,
so have large wet noses and tongues poking and slurping does not distress
her (she's about three months old).

Well, all four of our dogs were very mannerly with the baby; Cassie the
rescue Pyr has lived with babies before and mostly said, "oh, hi, another
one of these." My three have met some babies but not often--Lliira the Pyr
girl and Nessie the Newfie were fascinated and inclined to come and
investigate at regular intervals. Mic was not fascinated but he was fine,
checking her out and then wandering off to do his own thing. Until she
cried. The crying thing he was not so sure about--first he checked her out,
then he came over to me as if to say, "ok, make it stop now, please!" The
visit was a success all around (and as you might recall, Mic went through a
phase where he was only allowed to be around very calm, mannerly, dog-wise
children while he was leashed, due to some growling incidents--he has now
been allowed to be loose and interacting with children/infants for about six
months, and while I don't trust him the way I do the girls, he is getting
better and better).

Fast forward a few days. I am on my treadmill, with a tape of Star Trek Next
Generation going, doing my morning masochist, er, exercise routine. It's the
episode where Counselor Troi has a baby. Well, the TV baby starts crying.
Mic, who usually ignores the TV, jumps up, runs over, and listens to the
sound coming from the speaker, head tipping left and right. Then, off he
explodes, running to all the front windows, looking out at the driveway for
Trish and Aaron's van. That failing, he runs upstairs to look out at our
bedroom side window, which overlooks the rest of the driveway. No dice. Down
he comes, very puzzled, peeking out the front windows again. What the heck,
he thinks, the baby is here crying--where are they hiding???

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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