I am struck by how many people are immediately drawn to Moses during our walks. I take the dogs on errands with me, weather permitting, and walk them on leash around the area stores, post office, etc.
Moses is, within seconds it seems, surrounded by a crowd and he shakes hands with his fans and insists on mini-massages. He radiates such joy that it is nearly palpable.
It permits me a wonderful opportunity to educate people regarding Bernese. Moses, as you know, has bone cancer but after amputation and chemotherapy, is doing so very well and is currently, thank God, cancer-free. "His public" marvels at how mobile Moses is and, too, I inform them of the cancer problem in the breed. Hopefully if these people or their friends ever consider a Berner, they will retain the knowledge which I have shared.
I am able to speak of the temperament of the breed, Moses' being so lovely, its great beauty, Moses being a large, handsome boy, and "everyone" wants to tell me about their dogs. Today, outside the post office, a lady approached me and soon I learned that she had purchased her Cocker Spaniel from a pet shop; she knows now how fortunate she is that the dog was healthy but she had to work with the dog to overcome behavior problems.
Then, we had something to which to tend at the local automotive dealership and again, very soon, I was surrounded by technicians playing with the dogs and telling me all about their own.
I am so blessed to be owned by such a marvelous ambassador for the breed!
Lisa Allen

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